2011-2019 Ford Powerstroke 6.7L AMDP SCT Custom Tuning

Regular price $450.00 CAD
SCT X4 Performance Programmer (7015)
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All Digital Products (Custom Tuning, Tuning Revisions, Upgrades, and Credits) are Non-Refundable. Tune files are processed Monday-Friday and may take 24-48 hours to receive. Custom Tune files are not customized to your vehicles specifics. The files are pre-built by the vendors.

Product details

  • Type Custom Tuning
  • Vendor AMDP
  • SKU 11-19-PWR-AMDP-SCT

Tuning specifications

  • Tuning Device Required SCT X4
  • Tuning Platform SCT

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2011-2019 Ford Powerstroke 6.7L AMDP SCT Custom Tuning

Since its inception in 2016, AM Diesel Performance Inc. (AMDP) has established itself as a premier provider of custom tuning solutions for diesel vehicles. AMDP offers a comprehensive range of tuning options, ensuring that every vehicle reaches its maximum potential. Their custom tuning services are designed to optimize horsepower, fuel economy, and overall responsiveness, making them a trusted vendor that we are always recommending to our customers.